Cavalier Spotlight: Youssef Elsharkawy
This is another feature of Cavalier Spotlight where we ask students questions to learn more about them. In this feature, Cavalier Spotlight highlights Foreign Exchange student Youssef Elsharkawy, of Egypt.
Q.) What do you miss most about your home country?
A.) I miss the food and my friends mostly.
Q.) What was the best day of your life?
A.) When I found out that I got accepted to be an exchange student in the U.S. and when I had my first dream in English it was best thing.
Q.) What are you most proud of?
A.) Being an exchange student.
Q.) Who is you favorite teacher?
A.) Mr. Lewis, Mr. Watts, and Mr. Graves.
Q.) What’s your biggest pet peeve?
A.) When I'm put in sensitive situations.
Q.) What is your favorite food?
A.) Los Mariachis.
Q.) What is your favorite movie?
A.) I Am Legend, Avengers Infinity War, and The Shawshank Redemption.
Q.) Do you participate in any after school activities?
A.) Game Club, football, swimming, boys volleyball, Keys to Success, and orchestra,
Q.) What was one of your worst experiences?
A.) It was hard to have conversations with students here at first. I didn't know anyone, and it was hard to connect with people.
Q.) Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
A.) I have no clue. Continue education in the U.S. (maybe), very nice job, and nice house?
Q.) What will you miss most about the U.S.?
A.) For sure friends, my host family, and Los Mariachis.